December Empties! Would I Repurchase?

Coucou tout le monde, pour ce dernier article de l'année 2016 je vais vous présenter mes produits finis et vous en donner mon avis.
Hi everyone! Today I will be sharing with you my last post of the year and it will be my 2016 empties!

Brume à l'eau minérale de monoprix
Monoprix mineral water spray
This mineral water spray is a must I will be repurchasing for sure! It is perfect to refresh my face and remove all traces of tap water.
Le gel nettoyant sans savon cleanance d'Avène
Avene cleanance soapless cleanser
I will not be buying this product even though I'm a dedicated customer of the brand Avene. I have noticed lately that this cleanser tends to dry my skin, and that this product's PAO (period after opening) has shifted from 12 months to 6 months! I found it quite strange! Fortunately for me, I have already found a replacement of which you'll find a recent review HERE.
Le soin hydratant compensateur sébium hydra de Bioderma
Bioderma sebium hydra moisturising compensating care
Une crème hydratante basique et elle fera partie certainement des produits utilisés dans ma routine soin pour cet hiver.
It's a basic moisturizer, so you'll probably see it in my 2017 winter routine.
La crème hydratante uv riche spf 20 d'Avène
Avene rich hydrating cream with spf 20
This avene "rich hydrating cream" is not hydrating nor as rich as it claims. will not repurchase it!
La creme de soin hydratante soft de Nivea
Nivea soft moisturizing cream
Ce produit ne me quitte plus et je l'ai dans tous les formats.
I have this cream in all its sizes and I'm never that far away from it!
La creme mains protectrice antidessechement de Mixa
Mixa intensive protective hand cream
Au début j'ai adoré utiliser cette crème mais au fil du temps ma peau a fini par s'habituer et elle n'est plus aussi efficace qu'auparavant.
At first, this cream did wonders to my hands. However, after a while of using it I found this product no more as efficient as it was. Verdict: searching for a replacement!
At first, this cream did wonders to my hands. However, after a while of using it I found this product no more as efficient as it was. Verdict: searching for a replacement!

La crème réparatrice cicalfate et la cold cream d'avène
Avene cold cream and cicalfate repair cream
Je rachète souvent ces deux crèmes surtout à l'approche de l'hiver, car ma peau devient sèche et fait des siennes la cold cream à base cire d'abeille apaise et protège ma peau quant à la cicalfate elle me sauve des réactions cutanées ainsi que des rougeurs et je la mets aussi sur mes cicatrices récentes pour accélérer un peu la cicatrisation.
These two products are my winter go-to since my skin tends to be dehydrated and dry around this time of a year. The cold cream is perfect for calming and protecting my skin with its bee wax properties while the cicalfate saves me whenever I have a rush or I want to diminish the scarring of any recent pimple.
These two products are my winter go-to since my skin tends to be dehydrated and dry around this time of a year. The cold cream is perfect for calming and protecting my skin with its bee wax properties while the cicalfate saves me whenever I have a rush or I want to diminish the scarring of any recent pimple.

Le fond de teint healthy mix et 123 perfect de Bourjois
Bourjois healthy mix and 123 perfect fondations
Ce sont mes fond de teint favoris l'un me procure un effet mat et l'autre glowy et je les reprendrai.
Two of my favorite foundations, the healthy mix offers a glowing finish while the 123 perfect offers a matt one. Repurchasing!
La colle à faux-cils faux&fabulous de Bourjois
Bourjois false eyelash adhesive faux&fabulous
This is an effective eyelash glue that I would love to buy. It's a pity I can't find it anywhere.
La superbase de mavala
Mavala super base
Je ne suis pas convaincu par cette base, trop peu de quantité (5 ml) et ne dure pas assez.
Quantity wise, this nail polish base is just no worth it (5 ml) and doesn't last that long.
Le dissolvant express Monoprix
Monoprix express nailpolish remover
Il est efficace et sans acétone, mais il sent très fort. J’hésite encore à le racheter.
It's an effective free acetone nail polish remover, but it has a really strong smell! I'm still debating whether to repurchase it though.

Les antitranspirant cotton dry et bamboo fresh de Rexona
Rexona antiperspirant roll-on cotton dry and bamboo fresh
Il sont tous les deux très efficace avec une préférence pour le bamboo fresh, j'en ai déjà racheté en attendant de trouver une alternative sans sel d'aluminium.
Both fragrances are nice, but I tend to like the Bamboo fresh scent more. I have already repurchased this Rexona antiperspirant but I'm searching for an aluminum free alternative.
Le savon creme douceur de Nivea baby et savon a l'huile d'amande douce de douceur bébé
Nivea baby soap and douceur bébé soap
Je les utilise pour nettoyer mes pinceaux et éponges à maquillage, ils sont performants et pas chers, mais je préfère toujours tester d'autre produits.
I mainly use these soaps to wash my makeup brushes and sponges. They are quite effective and not that costly, but I always prefer to try new products.
Voila voila, c’était tout pour aujourd'hui n'oubliez pas de laisser en commentaire sur le blog ou sur ma page facebook vos avis et vos suggestions et a la prochaine.
That's it guys! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section of the blog or on my facebook page! I'm eager to know all of your suggestions! To the next time!